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Oct/Nov 2014

Tamara Dean

 Photograph of Tamara courtesy of Anna Kucera

Here is a list of my favorite 10 books that inspire and  inform my creative process


Desiree Dolron, Terra

 This  is my altime favourite book. The photography is stunning and the printing is divine. I stumbled  across this artist when I  was in the Netherlands and I have treasured this book ever since.


Beate Gutschow, Aperture

 A book of painterly photographic ladscape stitched  seemlessly together. The photography is subtly surreal with differing light sources adding a sense if strangeness to seemingly serene scenes. Its a  beautiful book, and I am  always inspired  after looking at it.


Loretta Lux, Aperture

Brilliant portraiture, what can I say, she is a legend!


Diane Arbus 'Revelations'

This is a book I can pore over for hours. The photographs interspersed with personal Letters and memories is a very fulfilling experience.


The Twighlight of Mr Kemp by Alexander James

Beautiful Landscapes in  subtle and incredibly atmospheric light.


Mary Ellen Mark, Exposure   or The Americans Mary Ellen Mark

Mary Ellen Mark had a  massive influence on my work. Her  Photojournalism is stratingly honest and intimate. She is a photographer I greatly admire.


Passengers. Dagmar Keller and Martin Wittwer

 A beautiful, realised series of  passengers. Painterly, darkly romantic, almost sensual portraits of people I can only imaginge are strangers to the photographer.


Between Times - Instants, Intervals... Introduction by Sérgio Mah. Text by Jacinto Lageira.

This book is about Contemporary  artisits  addressing the concept of time. Time is an element which is integral to my practice so I  have a keen interest in reading this book.


 True Romance : Allegories of love from the Renaissance to the present' by Belinda Grace Gardner, Michael Buhrs, Dirk Lucklow and Gerald Matt

 One I disappear into  for days.


 Rock the  Shack: The Architecture of Cabins  Cacoons and Hideouts.  by S.Ehmann, S.Borges Eds.

I have a long standing fantasy to  one day build a beautiful treehouse/Studio/shack. This book is the  first one I have come across that fills me with  the kind of inspiration I need to make the dream come true.


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