Sassy Park
Volcanic Garden
Dec 2014 - Jan 2015
Sassy Park is the kind of woman who is busrting to create, and the ideas she bristles with are joyful and exciting, so much so they have to live in different mediums, as such Sassy has become a multimedia artist with a myriad of talents across severl arenas. Sassy is jeweller, painter, ceramicist, crafter, and thats just this year, but what Sassy is interested in is impermenance.
In this current project, Sassy Park is interested in changing the perceptions of traditional jewellery materials and also the permanence of jewellery.
Exploring natural and unconventional materials to make functional pieces is a way of playing with the recalibration of our value systems. Just as expensive jewellery is treated with respectful care, so too should the delicate beauty of lichen and the often overlooked natural environment on our doorstep.
The fact that the materials are not ‘forever’ moves away from the idea that we will have something that lives beyond us. This also reflects on the provenance of these materials which we now think of as impermanent; the snow gum landscape, the pumice raft floating across the Pacific Ocean, the lichen, seaweeds – vanishing aspects of unseen and rare environments.
Come and see her work instore, all work is for sale if you need a very soecial gift and as guest creative for Curated Creative this month, see the books that make Sassy's heart leap with joy and inspire her multi disciplined art practice.
Check for opening hours over the Xmas and new Year period.