Gary Heery talks Skin Wings and the Bones of his career
He shot the Material Girl before she owned a thing, now photographer Gary Heery shares his stories about the iconic shots of his career with us at Published Art as part of , and his story, with us as part of Surry Hills Festival 2014. Gary Heery is a prominent Sydney-based photographer, well known for his ability to capture the true essence of his photographic subjects. He lived and worked in North America for fifteen years, shooting for record covers and magazines such as Life and Rolling Stone. His work has appeared in major exhibitions and in a number of photography books, including Zoo (Knoph), Grandiflora (Viking) and Twins (Lantern). Join us at 12.30pm Saturday September 27th for a Q&A as Gary Heery talks us through the sessions you wished you were a fly on the wall for and explains a little of how he got to be one of the worlds famous iconic photographers and live to tell the tale!
Single Origin Roasters will be open so grab a coffee and head up stairs!