From Volanoes to Landscapes we can see for miles....
So the new year is well underway, and Sassy Park's lovely Volcanic Garden is still in store but will finish soon, so if you are in...

Sassy Park Volcano Garden Show instore now!
Sassy Park is the kind of woman who is busrting to create, and the ideas she bristles with are joyful and exciting, so much so they...

Meet The Artist: Tamara Dean Friday Oct 24th 6pm Surry Hills
Join us instore this Friday as we host a meet the Artist with Tamara Dean. Dean’s works delve into themes of ritual, intimacy and decay...

Tamara Dean's Atmospheric Images in store
Its been a busy week instore, while Phillipa Carnemolla's came off the walls and the beautiful bees flew away, Tamara Deans...

Surry Hills Festival rolls into town!
This Saturday, Surry Hills festival sets the Hills alive with so many fabulous things to do, you will be spoilt for choice! ...

Phillippa Carnemolla heads for the nexus of geometry, nature and art.
Published Art welcomes Phillippa Carnemolla is an industrial designer, jeweller and PhD scholar based in Sydney, Australia, as our first...

Published Art Bookstore and much more!
The quintessential bookstore for Creatives, Artist , Designers and Architects in Surry Hills, had new owners Rebekah Lawson and Julian...